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Commonly, families turn to residential care when their loved one has reached the point of requiring round-the-clock attention. But, due to the physical and emotional distress it can cause the person receiving care and their families, it’s a decision plenty would rather not have to make.

Thankfully, families can avoid the upheaval associated with moving away from home by choosing live-in care.

Live-in care is just as it sounds: having a care professional who lives in your home. They are essentially available at all times throughout the day and evening – with the exception of breaks. Many elder live-in carers work with and live full-time with the people they care for two weeks at a time, sharing the workload with another Care Professional.

There are plenty of benefits to receiving live-in care, but here are just a few reasons why more and more people are choosing live-in care .

Staying at home
A person’s home is their own little time capsule, holding personal treasures and precious memories, which can make it very difficult to give up. But beyond the sentimentality attached to your own little patch of the world, the familiarity of home is good for a number of reasons.

Remaining in recognisable surroundings is a major benefit for people needing care – particularly if that person is suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia. Simple things like easily navigating your way through the home can make all the difference to someone who might be prone to becoming confused.

Worried about safety in the home?
We’ve put together a few simple safety rules you can follow to can ensure your or your loved one’s home is safe and comfortable.

Dedicated care
Care homes, though staffed with care professionals ‘round-the-clock, simply can’t offer the same level of attention a dedicated, live-in care professionalwould be able to provide you or your loved one. And that’s simply because staff at care homes must take responsibility for the wellbeing of multiple at any given time.

With live-in care you can be sure that the professionals taking charge of your, or your loved one’s care are available when they’re needed and one hundred per cent committed to your needs.

Face value
Similarly, when live-in care is reasonably priced, the level of attention and companionship you or your loved one receives is far greater than what they would get in a residential home and therefore much better value.

Continuity of care
It can be difficult for some people to get comfortable with their care professional when they receive a revolving cast of carers as is often the case in a care home. For that reason, the stability that live-in care offers can be invaluable. Not only will you or your loved one get a tailored care plan, it’s performed by the same people each time.

This makes for a much more reliable service and a greater bond and sense of companionship between the person receiving care and the care professional.

Peace of mind
Not only does having someone stay throughout the night have safety benefits, it also eases the minds of the people receiving care and their family members too. Meaning everyone can get a restful, and safe night’s sleep.

A better lifestyle
By remaining at home, it’s easier for people needing care to maintain their same lifestyle. Not only can continue with their usual routine for longer, they can also keep beloved pets and keep on attending their usual social activities.

Many people who go into residential care feel isolated from their community, which can lead to feeling as though they’ve lost their independence.

Family input
Having one or two dedicated carers makes it far easier for members of the family to feel included in a person’s care plan. It’s easy to stay up-to-date and in touch, when you’re familiar with people providing care.